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Khmer New Year 2014- RHM VCD VOL 204

File Type : MP4
Bitrate : 128Kbps
Frequency : 44100Hz
Channel : Stereo
Size : 1280 x 720 HD720
Video Quality : Superb

01. Lomdab Teb Thida by Savet if Sivorn-Get it now
02. Chhong Sne Yukveak Vey by Savet ft Viza-Get it now
03. Sneha Sne Hurt by Preab Sovat-Get it now
04. Kromom Chet Serng by Aok Sokun Kanha-Get it now
05. Jas Tha Oun Touch by Nob Bayarith-Get it now
06. Khel La Chok Kompes by Sovat ft Sovorn-Get it now
07. Kom Tha Oun Touch by Doung Dara ft Srey Pich-Get it now
08. Pka Rek Krao Soun by Nov Sinoeun-Get it now
09. Srolanh Smos by Sourn Viza-Get it now
10. Nis Or Songsa Khnhom by Aok Sokun Kanha-Get it now

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